Thursday, October 29, 2009

Report # 14 Wednesday October 28, 2009 Stayed The Same 213.8 LBS

This weeks weigh in was very frustrating to say the least.
My workouts were superb I even had like 3 days this week were I had 2 work outs in one day. However on the bright side of things it seems my body fat has come down some meaning I have build Lean Muscle. Tonight I am being measured for my body fat percentage so I am excited to see the improvements from now compared to when I started my journey in July. I will post those results next time. Tweaking my plan is something I must do I am not losing the weight like I want. It seems I want the transformation here, now and fast but as you all may know getting fit you must take one day at a time and be patient.

Thanks for your support your guidance and support is appreciated.

Take care,

Fat To Fit Champion