Thursday, October 29, 2009

Report # 14 Wednesday October 28, 2009 Stayed The Same 213.8 LBS

This weeks weigh in was very frustrating to say the least.
My workouts were superb I even had like 3 days this week were I had 2 work outs in one day. However on the bright side of things it seems my body fat has come down some meaning I have build Lean Muscle. Tonight I am being measured for my body fat percentage so I am excited to see the improvements from now compared to when I started my journey in July. I will post those results next time. Tweaking my plan is something I must do I am not losing the weight like I want. It seems I want the transformation here, now and fast but as you all may know getting fit you must take one day at a time and be patient.

Thanks for your support your guidance and support is appreciated.

Take care,

Fat To Fit Champion


  1. Great job, Travis! As you get closer to your goal it will be more difficult to shed the LBS but you'll get there.

  2. Yes for sure muscle weighs so much more the FAT

  3. Hey Travis, your doing a great job in class! Keep up the good work it's paying off!-Adrien
