Thursday, November 5, 2009

**Report #15 Wed. November 04, 2009 (218.2)** The Scale Must Be Broken (It Was Flooded)

Yesterday I weighed in at 218.2 lb. So from last week I am up a little. On a good note, I am back on track today after my weekend trip, where I had too many free days. And we all know that it doesn’t work that way. I can totally feel a difference in my workouts. While speaking to Jason Hanson Owner of
I have learned some additional strategies that will take my fat to fit transformation to the next level.

Last Thursday I did a body fat calculation and I was amazed, to say the least. July 2009 I was 29% body fat. I did two tests and averaged around 18 % body fat. It seemed a little extreme, so next week, on Wednesday, I’m going to be tested with the calipers and measurements. I will post the details next Wednesday.

Thanks for all your support it makes a huge difference.

Fat To Fit Champion

1 comment:

  1. Some food for thought Travis... recommend you grab a copy of "The Eat Clean Diet - For Men."

    It is a very easy, motivational read that gives you the basics of what to eat, when to eat it, how much, and what to combine in meals. Gives you good background on health and why you need to make the life changes. You can grab a copy on right now for $13.57 and well worth every buck.

    Workouts are great and all... but your main focus needs to be on what you are consuming every meal. You are what you eat.

    Keep up the great work in class! We have put enough sweat on that wood floor to float a ship around.


    P.S. Have to give credit to Adrien for this great find! It has been an awesome addition to my coffee table.
